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    多年来, 教育信息技术学院科研水平不断提高,教师科研项目的层次不断提升,学院获批国家科技支撑计划、国家自科(社科)基金、教育部人文社科、教育部重点课题、省部级等项目达60余项,科研总经费达几千万元。先后出版教材和学术著作50多部,年均在三大检索和相关领域权威、核心期刊发表论文100余篇;获得软件著作权和发明专利30余项,获得国家、省部级科研成果奖多项。




   The College of Educational Information Technology was founded in June 2013, the former name is the Department of Information Technology. Currently it has two full-time undergraduate programs and a pilot interdisciplinary program, which are Educational Technology, Digital Media Technology, and Journalism and Information Technology. The college also offers two master’s programs, namely Educational Technology, Digital Media Technology, and two doctoral programs in Educational Technology and Information Science and Technology. The college is authorized by the Ministry of Education to offer EdD degree courses in Educational Technology, EdM degree courses in Educational Technology for teachers in higher education and K-12 schools, and master degree courses in Agricultural Extension.

   With great efforts during the past three decades, the College of Educational Information Technology has built a strong faculty with high quality in academics and research. The number of staff reaches 56, including 11 professors, 10 associate professors, 23 lectures, among whom there are 6 PhD supervisors, 27 master supervisors, a Yangtze River scholar, a Chutian scholar and two New Century Excellent Talents. More than 70 percent of our faculty hold a PhD degree.

   The College of Educational Information Technology has two departments (Educational Technology and Digital Media Technology), three institutions (Institute of Educational Technology, Institute of Information Technology Education, and Institute of Communications and Electronic Applications), and one key lab (research lab of technology innovation strategy to promote education). The foundation of National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning at CCNU is based on the Educational Technology program in the College of Educational Information Technology. The Teaching Laboratory of Educational Technology Program in the College is qualified as Hubei Provincial Demonstration Center for Teaching of Experiment and the United Laboratory for Social Sciences and Humanities based on diverse resources in social sciences and humanities across CCNU is qualified as National Demonstration Center for Teaching of Experiment.

   Educational Technology program of the College is a key program of Hubei province and a national special program. In Educational Technology program, educational information resources design and development, principles and technologies of distance education, instructional system design and educational information technology have gained national influence. Digital Media Technology program has been selected in Hubei plan of cultivating new talent. The College has become an important institution for the training of professionals in educational information technology and digital media technology.

   Six courses developed by the faculty of College of Educational Information Technology are rated National Excellent Courses, two Provincial Excellent Courses, and two University main courses. The Teaching Team of Educational Technology Core Curriculums is among the first excellent teaching teams of CCNU, and the teaching efforts are honoured by two national rewards.

   In recent years, the college has gained grants from National Key Technology R&D Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, and so on. In these days, the faculty of this College has published more than 50 books and over 100 articles indexed by SCI, EI, and ISTP or in the top journals of related fields, gained more than 30 software copyright and invention patents, and won several national or provincial rewards for research findings.

   The aim of the college is to promote the application of educational technology and development of IT-related subjects. In order to achieve this goal, the college has built several sustainable development labs and research centres, such as National Education Information Strategy Research Center, Research Lab of Technology Innovation Strategy to Promote Education, Education Digital Media and Visualization Innovation Centre, National Engineering Research Center of E-Learning, National Comprehensive Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, Educational Information Technology Collaborative Innovation Center, Social Networking and Collaborative Innovation Information Service Center, Hubei Educational Technology Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center and so on. Educational technology in the college has its own characteristics and won nearly 20 national or provincial awards in research and teaching areas.

   The College of Educational Information Technology also has several advanced instruments of laboratory center, including virtual studio, micro-computers, electronic equipment, video equipment and network equipment, with the total sum of more than 1, 000 pieces (sets). The collection in department library contains more than 10, 000 books and over 200 journals both in Chinese and foreign languages as well as powerful search and delivery service of huge digital resources.

   The mission of College of Educational Information Technology is educating students for the world, preparing them for future success, and developing their comprehensive ability. Many undergraduates won rewards associated with Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest, and National English Contest for College Students. The employment rate of graduates is more than 95% and they have gained the praise from the employers. Many master theses won national and provincial rewards. The Star Service Team, a college youth volunteer organization, has been awarded National Excellent Group in Social Practice Service.


